Sunday, April 29, 2007

Another Workout Review

Recently I had purchased another workout video. I love to have a lot of different workouts in my library so I don't become bored. I think that's a great idea. I went to Walmart and found some weighted balls. I picked up two of them.They each weigh only five pounds but also come in ten pounds as well. I thought that might be a bit too much to start with and when I feel they're to easy, I'll move up.

I also bought a DVD to go along with them. Why not right? The price wasn't too bad on the pocket book either.

The other night I put the DVD in after putting my workout clothes on and started this this tape.
While I'm not going to say anything bad about it really because it all depends on how in shape you are. I will say that it's a cardio blast of 45 minutes of pretty hard working out. You need a chair which is the only thing I hate because then I have to lug a chair into the living room and I hate that.

It's great though but you WILL be sore the next day and she tells you that. I like when they're honest about it. All in all it's really good and you'll really feel the results. You'll find you have muscles that you didn't know you had. But thats with any type of exercise so just remember to do something.

So there you go. It's pretty good and you really will get the hang of it.

Until the next time, please remember to eat to live don't live to eat

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A New Recipe for Chicken

Hello everyone,
I hope your having a wonderful weekend. So far, I am. Let's hope it continues for all of us.
The reason I'm writing is because a lot of people just get so tired of chicken. What do I do with it that's not been done? Really, there isn't a lot of things and yet, chicken is one of the most versitile meats you can cook.

Have you ever tried chicken cutlets? They're great. For some of you that really don't know what that is and Yes, some don't. It's just a really thin piece of chicken that's both boneless and skinless. It tastes really wonderful cooked many ways but this is how I made it tonight. If you try it, I hope you like it and, if you do or don't, please let me know. Also, got a recipe that you think I might like? Send it to me cause I'm always on the look out.

What you need:

Chicken cutlets. (this depends on how many people your serving) but remember, they're thin so usually you can give a good eater two.

one cup bread crumbs
an egg
parmigiano cheese (about 1/2 cup
salt and pepper to taste
2 cloves of garlic (if you like more, put it)
Crushed Red Pepper flakes (one teaspoon)
Poultry Seasoning(optional)
What I did was I put all of this in a food processor and let it go. I pulsed it about four times and it came out great.

Take the egg and put it into a seperate bowl and beat it

Now, some people use flour and you can for a coating.

Take the chicken and dip it into the egg and then into the mixture.

Heat a pan and put just enough Olive or Grapeseed oil to coat the bottom of the pan and turn it on medium heat.
Place the chicken in and cook each side for three minutes.

It's done. Serve with your favorite side dish and your favorite veggie.
There you go. A new dish. A different way to eat chicken.

(NOTE: You can even fry this in the pan and then place it between a wonderful crusty bread with a little low-fat mayo and tomato and you've got a great Sandwich)

So, until next time, please remember, eat to live and don't live to eat.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Feeling bad cause you want to Pig Out?

Don't. Actually, it's really a good thing to every now and then eat something you really want to. Stop the guilt by having just a small piece of cake. Or, have the salami sandwich that you've been dying to have. Just use mustard. And hey, isn't it mustard on Salami anyway? Exactly. The fat free condiment is wonderful and adds spice to any sandwich.

Want a pice of pie? Have it. Just don't eat that huge piece that you may have eaten before. Eat a smaller piece and you'll be amazed at just how sadisfied you are.

Everyone thinks that a live it is hard but in reality, a diet is. It's a tough thing to not eat any of the foods you love. So don't do that. Do what I do and Live It. If I want a candy bar, I have one. Sure, I try and make it one of the low-fat ones. Yes, they're out there. But every now and then you know, I just grab something really yummy. At Easter for instance, I eat a Cadburry egg. Do you know how bad those really are for you? YIKES!!!! But I had them. That's right. Them. I ate two. Although, not in the same day. So you see, you really CAN have you cake and eat it to. Just not that big of a pice

And tonight's dinner was great. I made a steak sandwich for myself on really wonderful Italian bread but instead of french fries, I roasted some veggies. It was great I'm telling you.

Then after you've eaten something a little bad for you, try working out to a DVD or dancing with your iPod. Walk for thirty minutes. You'd be amazed at how good you feel and if you do this let's say once a week, you'll do it guilt free.

Until next time remember to eat to live and not to live to eat.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Eat your Veggies

Thats right everyone.
You Mom might not have always been right but she was when it came to this. Eating your veggies is one of the BEST ways to watch your figure. Loading up on really good veggies is really filling. Also, the health benefits are amazing as well. There are so many nutrients in fruit and veggies that it's really just dumb not to eat at least a couple of pieces of fruit and some veggies at least a couple of times a day.
Did you know that half of a banana is an actual serving? Not many do. Most think it's one full banana. But it's not. But even if you eat the entire banana which is the point I'm trying to make right now, that's two servings of fruit for the day.

Another great source of yummy are blueberries. Any type of berry is wonderful but, there are Cancer fighting things in blueberries. So even if you buy a frozen bag and just throw some on your cereal every day, you guessed it, another source of vitimins and antioxidents.
So what are you waiting for? Eat your Veggies and your fruit.

Until next time, this is Annie saying Eat to live don't live to eat.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm reporting like I promised

Hey there.
Okay, I haven't been able to view everything over the last few days that I wanted but I did promise a post and a post is here.

We (or perhaps I should say I was posting) about walking and just doing some type of exercise. Which is very true. You have to get up off your bum to lose the bum. I know I'm doing it.

My gym buddy decided to cancel for yet a second week and of course that had be thinking what can I do? Walking of course. Now I told you I'd tell you about something to do in your own home and here I am with just that. A DVD/Tape that's awesome.

It's by a woman named Leslie Sansone and let me tell you, her workouts are GREAT. The tapes are called walk away the pounds and that's the best description of them. You really can walk off the pounds. She's got many of them too. The one where you can choose 1, 2 or 3 miles. I have the two mile walk and I'm telling you, I love it.

I rented a DVD (and I'm going to talk about that in a minute to) but since I like Leslie's stuff so much I wondered if she had more. Guess what? She DOES. The one I rented is called You Can Do Pilates and let me tell you. If you have never tried Pilates before, try them with Leslie.

She makes all the moves seem effortless and really, they are. Now you do need a resistance band or a big towel of some kind (the band is much better as it stretches) but hey, you can get one of those at your neighborhood Walmart. I know because I bought three there.

Anyway, I loved the DVD so much I bought it. Yep. And I have been doing that besides her walking. She said in three weeks you'll see a difference and believe me, I'll let you know.

Now getting back to what I was saying about renting. Any of you have Netflix? Because if you do, you can rent her tapes and many many others right from them. Which I think is a fabulous idea because that way if for some reason, you don't like it you can return it and your not out the $14.00 bucks for the DVD. And if you like it, well then there you go. At least you will know what to look for in your Walmart store.

So there you have it. I have a new DVD that I bought because it was only six bucks and I have the weights and in a few days I hope to try that out and when I do, I'll report back to you whether it's good or bad.

A reader named Spider wrote me saying :You are 100% right! There is no reason NOT to do some kind of exercise!!

Thanks Spiderman!!!! Needless to say, I agree with him. And, I hope you do to. So until next time please remember to eat to live and not to live to eat.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So you hate Exercise??

Then start walking. Yep. Did you know that walking is the number one BEST thing you can do for yourself? And it doesn't cost you anything but time. Well, that and a good pair of shoes.
First of all, get yourself some decent shoes. Don't get running shoes if your walking either. Get cross trainers or, shoes just for walking. They really do have them. However, I will state that this might just be Nike's and other shoe manufactures ways to sell you more shoes.

Then, pick a park, a school, a trail and just start. Or, you can just start in your neighborhood and walk around the block. Don't over do but rather, DO. The weight won't fall off no matter what your doing but it will come off if you do something.

Tonight my husband decided he wanted to surprise me and while we did take a bus to the Metrolink and rode it to Universal, we walked up a very steep hill, walked around Universal, had a pretty healthy dinner actually, walked back down the hill (actually it was just as bad going down as it was going up. Well, almost) and then took the Metrolink home. Well, to the last stop anyway and from there, we actually walked home. Didn't take the bus home but we walked. We are both so tired but yes I'm going to say it it's a good tired. We're sore, we're happy and we just did it. We plan on doing more things like this in the future.

So really, there isn't any GOOD reason not to do some type of exercise. I'll be back in a couple of days as I'm doing some research so that I keep you on the straight and narrow. Plus, I don't want to sound like fool. Research is a good thing.
So until next time please remember to eat to live not live to eat.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

So, have you gone off your live it?

Good for you. Why? Because it's a live it not a diet it. This is what most people don't understand. They think that when your watching your weight you have to be quite rigid and that's not always true. Sure, you should be careful for oh, lets say five days out of the week. But you know, that gives you time to have a little fun.
Now, depending of course on how much weight you want/need to lose depends on how many days you can have what I like to call FAT DAYS.
A FAT DAY is simply the day you go off your live it for the entire day and eat something you really have been dying to eat. Say a pizza or a nice BIG piece of chocolate cake. My downfall (and believe me everyone has one) are chips. Pretty much Lays or Cheetos. So, once a week I set a side my FAT DAY and guess what I have? That's right. Okay, I don't buy the biggest bag I can find and down them all. I get a small big (which, has enough calories in it to kill your live it not to mention fat grams to choke a horse)but I do eat this bag with abandonment and the next day I start my live it all over again. Guess what? It works!!

I used to work at a gym thats no longer around. Well,this particular club (Venus de Milo) weighed you every time you came in. One of my clients came in after a weekend and she had put on three pounds. She didn't even flinch when she saw the number had gone a little higher than the last visit. She looked at me and said every three months I buy a cake and that is all I eat for the weekend. THE ENTIRE CAKE!!!! She put on three pounds but if you think about it, she was good for three full months before this. I'm just giving you another idea of how to go off of the live it without killing yourself. If you need to go off once every couple weeks thats good, three months is better for some but for me, I just have to have those chips once a week. It's like a monkey on my back that frankly, I don't care to ever rid myself of. Whatever your passion is, don't let it be food. Let it be life.

Until next time remember to eat to live not live to eat.