Friday, March 16, 2007

Exercise IS good for you

Hello there. Yes, you read that right. Exercise is good for you. It helps, it really does. So many people actually hate it but I for one can't live without it nor, do I choose to.

I actually LIKE eating. I enjoy it. That being said, it's just not good to over indulge as many of us Americans do. The facts are that if you eat a lot you'll gain a lot. True or false? Actually, it depends on WHAT you eat most of the time and not how much you eat. You can eat a ton of Veggies and it really won't matter how much you eat. Of course it also depends on how you cook them. Frying Zuchinni is a yummy thing to do but not too healthy. That's like saying, well, I had onions for dinner because I had onion rings. LOL. Sure the onion is/was good till you fried it.

There are a lot of yummy ways to eat and a Lot of bad ways. More of them. I'm going to give hints and tips to everyone that reads this blog. Got a ? write me,


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