Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another DVD Review

Hello everyone,
Okay, so I have worked out again, to another DVD. Leslie Sansone's walking away the pounds 3 mile walk. Let me just say this is awesome. Put on your tennis shoes, stand in front of the television and start walking. There is some kicking, lifting your knees but mostly it's walking.

Another great thing about this DVD is that she tells you how to modify the moves so if you can't kick high it's not a big deal, just kick. And, if you can't kick at all, just walk don't stop walking. You can stop the tape at 1, 2, or be like me, and walk the full three miles. There's a warm up which is part of the first mile and it's just so effective. How do I know? Because I have been walking with her for a week now and I have dropped a couple of pounds. Not much I know but you figure two pounds just by walking? Anyone can do this.
On a scale of 1 to 10 ten being buy this DVD, it's a TEN!!! So there you go. And, I will be back with her take on Yoga

Until next time please remember to eat to live and not to live to eat.

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