Friday, May 11, 2007

Going On A Trip?

Well go. Ah, wanna watch your weight? Okay, so do that. I know your wondering how but I'm telling you it's easier than you think.
I'm writing this because I'm going on a trip Monday and won't be gone long but hey, I will be out and that usually means a dinner or three out. But this is what you do.

One tip anyway, order your dinner but, ask them to box half of the dinner BEFORE it hits your plate. They'll do this for you as your still paying for it but this way, you WON'T eat all of it. Especially dishes like pasta which are always too big anyway.

That's what is wrong with this country. I remember when a regular hamburger (You know, the ones now served in the Happy Meal) were the biggest sellers for the adults. Hey, they had to start with something right? And they did. The country was a lot smaller and I mean it's waists. LOL

Anyway, while on a trip, if you can, get a room with a kitchen. That way, you'll have a refrigerator and you can bring some snacks that won't kill you. That's what I'm doing.

Although, I'm being bad because I am going to four winerys and I'm telling you know, this is something I have always longed to do. It comes with a picnic lunch to and while that scares me somewhat cause who knows what you'll get? I'm excited all at the same time.

I'll be back and tell you what it was like. But my point really is this, while on a trip it's okay to splurge because it's a trip!!!! And unless your traveling all the time on business, then it's okay to go off the diet for a few days. It'll be waiting for you when you come home. The diet that is.

Until the next post please remember to eat to live and not to live to eat

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